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Welcome 😂



“PKH Supply Limited” Social Commerce


Simple Mobile Grocery Shop Life Experience

We are "PKH Supply (pronounce as 'Pan-Koon' House Supply)",  future community business and marketing model, through our partners in all districts of Hong Kong to make customers experience the storeless shopping in daily life.


“PKH Supply” sincerely serves the market through leveraging supplier resources and partnering with community resources.   Bridging with our self-developed real-time system, sophisticated logistics and distribution network, product and reasonable pricing experience, we strive to provide an even more interactive way of marketing and fulfilment platform for brands and community neighbourhoods.  We adopt this unique “Social Commerce” concept and business model in order to help more needy community partners to increase their value and improve their living standards.


We build on – “shared resources, daily family necessities, familiar brands and friendly names, reliable quality, together with genuine service by community partners”, to bring the long-loss community harmony back in present and future.   This is how “PKH Supply” creating the core value of future “Social Commerce”.






透過『辦館屋』建立的供應商及社區資源的滲透力,誠懇地為線下市場服務,再加上線上支援系統、物流資源共享和產品體驗的『性價比』,為品牌及顧客更互動地進行推廣、行銷及訂單履行服務。 我們藉這個『社區商務』的概念、經營模式,來幫助更多更有需要的社區夥伴自我增值及改善他們的生活水平。



建構於共享資源,專注家庭的日常所需產品 耳熟能詳的品牌、親切的名字、可靠的產品質量、再加上社區夥伴和諧服務體驗,把過去的社區融洽帶回現在未來,這就是『辦館屋』社區商務締造的主要價值。